Friday, November 14, 2008


i just got back from getting an autograph from Kristen Stewart AND Nikki Reed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was amazing!!!!

ok here was the deal:

4:30 a.m.- rise and shine
5:15 a.m.- leave house and head straight for the mall
6:00 a.m.- get places in line
7:00 a.m.- they started letting in people to
7:45 a.m.- we got our chance to buy our $30 twilight tour t-shirts, wristbands, and our numbers for out place in line
*you had to be the first 500 people in order to be guaranteed to meet Kristen and Nikki. we were 328 and 329*

then later...
4:00 p.m.- come back to the mall
4:30 p.m.- get on this insanely long line that took forever!
6:30 p.m.- only six people away from meeting Kristen and Nikki!
6:40 p.m.- meet Kristen and Nikki!

i remember what i said and what they said.

Me: Oh, my gosh! You guys are great! I love you both! I can't wait for the movie! It must've been great playing Rosalie!
Nikki: Oh, thank you! You're so sweet!

*slide down to Kristen*

Me: Oh, my gosh! Ok, first of all, I loved you in like all your movies! The moment I found out you were playing Bella, I knew they couldn't have picked a better person!
Kristen: Oh, really? Thanks, dude! That really means a lot!
*hah, she says dude a lot! it's kind of funny! anyway, now me and my friend are walking away, but i turn around one last time*
Nikki: Thanks! You too!
Kristen: Yeah, you rock, dudes!

so, that was my day! started at 4:30 this morning! and ended at 9:40 at night! let me just say this: i'm not sure if i'm ever going to put myself through that again! but it wasn't that bad. it was very tame and controlled, not bad at all. but still, i don't know if i ever will again! well, at least now i am an official Twilight fan because i did that! and now i can say i did! so all you haters who think i was nuts for doing that; i had fun and got to meet famous folks so i don't give a damn! 'sides, see Kristen was awesome because i loved her in all her movies so i've always been a bit of a fan of her's. Nikki was a plus! i didn't know she was going to be there until i was actually there! i think i would've died if Robert Pattison was there! there would be no way i would be able to contain myself! OH, MY GOD!!! now THAT would be an adrenaline rush!!!

i had a lot of fun today and no one can take that away from me. but now my day is done and i don't think i will ever put myself through that early wake up call or all that standing in waiting in line ever again! and if i do; it'll be a long, long, long time from now!


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